Includes Lesson On Using A Capo
Here’s a fun song that you can play for Christmas with fairly easy chords. I’ll even give a short lesson on using a capo to change keys.
Get the Cheat Sheet of the song with chords here (Yes, it’s absolutely free):
Feliz Navidad Cheat Sheet With Chords/Lyrics
I played the song in the key of G in my video because these are the easiest chords. No bar chords. Then I go on to use a capo to raise it up one. To the key of A.
I also show you how to play a song in different keys. It helps to be flexible with the key when you're playing for other people singing along.
Key Change Chart
Here's a simple chart that you can use to help you to change keys. It's not meant to be a complete lesson but just a reminder if you already understand the idea.
I vi IV V
Key G: G Em C D
Key C: C Am F G
Key A: A F#m D E
Key E: D Bm G A
I've had a lot of fun over the years playing guitar on holidays for other people singing along. It's a great way to bring people together and get some extra guitar practice while you're at it.
I’d really appreciate it if you share this on YouTube, Facebook, etc.
Little Drummer Boy
I’ve recently posted a video of the song “Little Drummer Boy” which I played on my holiday CD (instrumental) titled “In The Presence Of Angels”. You can find that here:
You can also listen to more songs and purchase “In The Presence Of Angels” (CD or download) here
Along with “Little Drummer Boy,” I’ve recorded “Joy To The World”, “Hark The Harold Angels Sing”, “Away In The Manger” and 3 more classic Christmas songs with a flamenco/smooth jazz twist as well as 3 original compositions. One of my favorites is “The Journey – We Three Kings” where I’ve expanded a bit on the original theme.
In a review by Amazon top 500 Reviewer Rico he writes “It's been said that music has the ability to “sooth the savage beast”. If this is true Tomas takes it to new heights. He communicates intimately; one on one, with his listeners with music that seems to reach right into a deep, tender place. The effect is that of not only soothing the emotional beast but uplifting on a profound spiritual level as well.”
Want the jam along audio track for Little Drummer Boy – absolutely free, along with more great guitar tips, lessons and chord charts? Go to
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Would you give me the strum patern for the song Feliz Navidad
Thank you