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Real Guitar Live #23 | How To Keep Learning Guitar Fun

Hello everyone and welcome to the July episode of Real Guitar Live! In this episode Tomas and Aimee will discuss something all guitar players struggle with, which is how to keep the learning process fun and exciting. 

You’ll hear some tips like using jam tracks and looper pedals, competing with yourself using short term goals and progress tracking, and playing with other people. We hope this episode will inspire you to try something new and celebrate your successes in your personal journey learning to play the guitar! 

Questions Answered:

[17:57] I started the journey (of playing the guitar) the last days of January, and I still have fingertip pain in my left hand. Is it normal or maybe I am doing something wrong? In any case, what could I do to relieve the pain? 

- Jaume

[21:58] What would you recommend for someone coming back to the guitar, what things should I do and what practice techniques or books should I pick up. 

- Alfredo

[24:47] What makes for "good sounding" progressions? Why does a 1-4-5-1 and 1-6-4-5 work so well for songs. Is there a recipe that "works"?

- David

[30:22] Why does it take so long to learn to change chords?

- Taylor 

[35:49] I practice regularly with the "Guitar Gymnasium”... at least 15-30 min a day. How should divide my time playing songs and practicing the drills you provide?

- David

[38:55] I am still at the goal of getting my pinky to reach that 4th fret..been three weeks. I need a new pinky. 🙂 Have one of those in the store?  Do the thirty day challenges get harder each month because I am still working on the one from the first month I joined.  

- Anne

[40:55] Bonjour du Québec. Nice subject. One challenge for me, I travel a lot. So I bought a guitalele that I carry as much as possible. But not always. Then I find it very hard to go back to my routine.

- France D

[45:17] I have a lot of people telling me it's easier to learn to play electric guitar, is that true? 

- Peter

[49:52]  How to play the b major barre chord properly?

- Pratibad

Tell Us What You Think - Please Comment Below!

We would love to hear your comments and questions. What specific things are you struggling with while learning guitar?

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  1. How bout when you are learning to slide from one fret to a couple frets below or up. It seems to really start to for a
    different callus. What is the best way to learn to slide from
    fret to fret.

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