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RGS Live #19 | Outstanding Rhythm & Timing with Thomas Perry

Welcome to the March edition of Real Guitar Live! This month features a special guest, Thomas Perry who’s an excellent guitarist, drummer and music educator.

Thomas gives a crash course on how to create and apply a good rhythm or pulse to your guitar playing. With his guidance, you’ll be on the path to creating more colorful rhythmic grooves whether you're playing solo or with others.

And after his lesson we answer some great viewer questions, so stick around!

Questions Asked During the Session:

[46:39] Why do seasoned players appear to lift their fret fringers when playing chords just slightly, even rhythmically?

[49:11] Wish I could master quick chord changes. Do ya’ll have any advice on that?

[54:40] If I hear beats like 1-2-3,1-2-3 how do I know if it’s two measures in 3/4 time or one measure in 6/8 time? Is it simply the speed at which it’s played?

Tell Us What You Think - Please Comment Below!

We would love to hear your comments and questions. What specific things are you struggling with while learning guitar?

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