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The Last Teardrop – Slow Melodic Fingerstyle Song With Both Hands Shown

I composed this song many years ago and recorded it for my first CD “Heart Coming Home”.  To date my youngest daughter tells me it’s her favorite song from all of my 7 CDs.

I was inspired by the passing of my older friend Mathew who was 92 when he died. He filled the role of a grandfather, telling me stories from long before I was born of what life was like for an orphan growing up in the early 1900’s. I’ll never forget his story of the 1906 earthquake, the look on his face when he told me how all the orphans in the convent were running for shelter under their bed crying “mommy, mommy, mommy”!

Perhaps you’ll hear the song as melancholy, but I also had the image of him being freed from a body that was somewhat a prison at that point in his life.

I hope you enjoy the song, and if you’re ambitious you can try picking it out by watching my hands.

I’ve been asked to transcribe it, but honestly it would be a lot of work for me. I may get to it someday.

If you’d like to hear the original recording you can find it on my “Heart Coming Home” CD on Amazon, iTunes, or  here:  https://tomasmichaud.com/cds/

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  1. Hi Tomas, this piece you played brought tears to my eyes and yet peace to my soul. Beautiful work. Some day I hope to play guitar so much better than I do now. Thank you for sharing . God bless you. Anne

    1. Hi Anne,

      All of us experienced losing a loved one – it could be a friend, relative or a member of a family thus we can all
      relate to what was Tomas felt when he lost his friend.

      Thanks for appreciating this beautiful piece of music. Tomas must be glad to know that it gives peace to your soul.
      Just keep on playing guitar equipped with disciple, persistence, practice then playing better than now is indeed possible.

      GOD bless you too, Anne.

      Take care.

      Starland Guitar
      Customer Support

  2. Such a sad but so Beutiful piece of music,I think we all can fill in the words with are own life of are own strugels for me a drive by shooting that took my 18 year old son in 1994. But truly a Beutiful piece . Thankyou for shaering Tomas.

    1. Hello Papo,

      Music brings back memories be it a happy or a sad memory. I’m sorry if this reminds you of the tragic event that took your son’s life.
      May his soul rest in peace. Thank you for appreciating this beautiful piece of music.

      May this piece reminds you of those beautiful days when he was still alive.

      Take care,

      Starland Guitar
      Customer Support

    1. Hello Fred,

      Thanks a lot 🙂
      Tomas would love to hear such an awesome comment.

      Starland Guitar
      Customer Support

  3. Beautiful and inspiring. I recognize all the chords so I’m having a go at copying your fingering. Thank you.

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