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Fingerpicking for Acoustic Guitar: Fleetwood Mac Inspired Pattern (Landslide)

In this video lesson I'll be teaching a fingerpicking pattern that is a “must learn” if you want to play Fingerstyle guitar.

This fingerpicking pattern is a variation on the Travis fingerpicking pattern.

It’s commonly used in pop rock music.  Though it’s been used in many songs, fans of classic rock will recognize it for the song “Landslide” by Fleetwood Mac (Stevie Nicks).

Download the Notes And Tabs Here:

>> Fingerpicking Landslide

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    1. Hi Thomas it would be great to try different types of travis picking I am trying fingers and brain getting there slowly thanks for you help terry

      1. Hi Terry, I’ve created an entire course on fingerpicking that include several versions of the Travis picking pattern. I’ll be releasing it shortly. – Tomas

  1. This finger picking exercise was really helpful. I enjoy taking lessons from you Tomas Michaud because it adds another level to my practice and playing. Merci beaucoup mon ami!

    1. Hi Connie,

      The video is there and everybody can view it. You might just be having an intermittent
      connection. I do hope, you can view it as of this time.

      Take care,

      Starland Guitar
      Customer Support

  2. Thanks again, please keep the lessons coming. I really appreciate the practical way you present each lesson that makes it possible for me to follow the small steps to practice and eventually put them all together. I always enjoy the music created by your lessons.

  3. This is great! I have fallen behind on your lessons as they have seemed to go too fast lately for this old man, but this one was just perfect! I just love the sounds you have enabled me to create on my own guitar.
    Thank you!

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