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Dust In The Wind Guitar Tutorial (Kansas)

Dust In The Wind Guitar Tutorial | Part 1

We’ll combine the fingerpicking pattern along with the chord progression to play this iconic song.

Dust In The Wind Guitar Tutorial | Part 2

Guitar Tab Download

Real Guitar Success members - download the guitar tabs to follow along as you go through the lesson at  Picking Style Of Dust In The Wind.

Not a member yet? No problem. Sign up here FREE for 14 daysI’m hoping you stick around… but if not, the 2 weeks should be enough time to get the benefit from this lesson.

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  1. I love this lesson! I am a (very amatuer) bluegrass banjo picker, and bluegrass guitar (strumming only) (66-year-old) player. I took up the guitar so that I could follow the chords played in local jams. At first, it was difficult for me to interpret what chords the guitar players were using until I got a guitar and learned for myself. I took banjo lessons with a local teacher, but not guitar lessons. I recently decided I would like to explore playing other types of music (and softer music at that). The banjo can be loud !!
    I loved the way some of the guitarists at the jam, would play some bluegrass/folk music fingerpicking style. After finding your lesson here at “Dust in the Wind” I challenged myself to follow along with you, printed out the song and have been practicing pages 1 and 2 music sheets for 4 days. I am SO surprised that in 3 or 4 days I have been able to accomplish playing pages 1 and 2. (Now to commit this to memory and be able to switch chords on time) and then move on to the rest of the song. Your instructions in this video were very clear, and I am having such fun with this. Thank you. I am excited to see the rest of your videos, but I don’t want to jump too far ahead until I can play this tune well. I feel like I’m off to a great start having followed this lesson. Again Thank you. Berta

    1. Hi Bertha. Thanks for your message. It makes me smile to hear you’re having so much fun. – Tomas

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