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Real Guitar Live #30 | Creating A Practice Plan

One thing a lot of musicians struggle with is finding a good practice routine. They set time aside, pick up their instrument, but have no idea what to play. This can be frustrating and actually slow down progress. Maybe this is something you can relate to. 

Setting up a good practice routine is surprisingly easy (and quick!). You can develop one that’s perfect for you in just a few minutes. 

Even if you only have 10 minutes a day, you can still benefit from a practice routine!

So how do you develop a good practice routine that’s fun and keeps you progressing? That’s exactly what we’ll look at today.

I’ll give you tips you can use right away, a simple 3 step practice plan, and answer your questions in this month’s RGS Live.

Then we’ll go on to answer questions that were submitted ahead of time and live during the training.

(skip to the time markers below to listen to answers to the questions that interest you)

Questions Answered:

[17:08] How can I keep from getting bored when learning a hard song or practicing? 

[20:40] If there are different areas that I want to learn, for example, finger-picking and improvisation and maybe also strumming patterns, should I concentrate on one area and only practice it till I master it, or should I spend some time on each area even though it will take me much longer to master each individual skill? 

[24:10] Is it best to only practice set exercises till I master the technique or should I practice them in songs I like even though I haven't quite gotten it down pat? 

[26:00] Where does theory fit into the practice scheme? If I learn some theory, how will I know how to apply it in playing songs? 

[27:49] I want to learn how to read music and have a beginner guitar book on this. Should I learn how to read music and play guitar at the same time or should this be done as separate things?  

[31:29] What progression of skills is recommended? Where do I progress to after learning the beginner's course in the Real Guitar Success Academy? 

[33:10] Now something for Aimee concerning the ukulele. Since there aren't real bass notes, I understand that the chords are mainly inversions. Are the chords always played from the G string even though often it's not the bass note? 

[34:41] After learning the basic chords and strumming on Uke (which is just about the same as a guitar), where should I go from there? 

[36:16] Do you have any tips for helping to make a finger-picking pattern "automatic," in addition to doing it over and over? 

[39:22] I am a beginner and can play open chords and bar chords in low tempo, but I feel like I’ve been this way for about a year now. I specifically select songs to practice and learn but I feel like I’m stuck.

[41:53] What is the best way to record your guitar playing at home? I'd like to get a decent recording that I could save and look back on to see my progress. I may want to share a video from time to time with the Real Guitar Success community. 

[55:30] Is it acceptable to play the D chord using fingers 2 3 4 if you have short fingers a d it’s easier to use the fingers mentioned?

Would you like to be notified of our next RGS Live session and get your question in ahead of time? Signup for my live guitar trainings here.

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