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Why Playing Guitar Can Help You Rule Your World


Simple Thoughts On Playing Guitar And Happiness

by Tomas Michaud

I have to admit that my first motivation for playing guitar was not to express the music in me. It was probably more like most guys… I wanted to impress the ladies. I also remember thinking it would help me feel like I belonged somewhere. My thinking was that if I could play in a band I would be a “member” of the band. It would be like my tribe, my pack… I would belong. 

Of Course Reality Wasn’t Quite The Same As Fantasy.

In my mind you pick up the guitar, fool around for awhile, and before you know it you're playing like Jimmy Hendrix. Heck, he could do it stoned and behind his back. Certainly I could play simple rhythm guitar well enough to join a band within a few months…sober. I know it may sound silly now, but it made sense at the time.

Then when I finally did get my first band going it wasn’t all fun and games like they made it look on stage. We actually had to WORK to sound good together (even though my standard of good was much lower back then). And to make matters worse, we didn’t always agree on… well, anything! We’d disagree about what songs to play, how long to practice, how long the drum solo should be, who should be the loudest… even who should be in the band. It looked so easy when “The Who” played together. Of course we all know better now after reading about the band’s blowouts and player overdoses. It wasn’t really all peace and tranquility backstage. 

What’s It Really About Anyways?

After years of practicing and playing the idea to “impress the ladies” has been replaced with taking the trash out without being asked, and I’ve come to realize that “belonging” is actually not all it’s cracked up to be. But as life would have it I’ve found that there was something bigger and better hidden in the secret desire to be a rock star. What! What could be better than being a rock star?

Play-GuitarWhat about… ummm… being happy? I know that there is no magic formula to happiness, but there is one thing that comes pretty close.

Henry David Thoreau eluded to this fairly eloquently when he wrote, “If one advances confidently in the direction of one's dreams, and endeavors to live the life which one has imagined, one will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.” 

Here’s my working understanding of this phrase – if we take time to discern what we want to do with our lives and act on it, even little by little, we will “meet with success unexpected in common hours.” But exactly what is this “success”? We’ve all had the experience of having a goal, or at least an intention, and achieving it. This certainly brings a sense of enjoyment, and perhaps even a kind of temporary happiness. Maybe being “happy” is continuously setting and achieving a series of these goals?

There’s two things that don’t ring true about this statement. One, we don’t always get what we aim for. Does that mean we are “unhappy” when we don’t achieve a goal?

I recently missed my 10 week goal to double my picado (finger picking) speed. I definitely felt embarrassed to show up in a video with no clothes on, but I knew I was stretching. I think if we do achieve every goal we set we’re probably aiming too low.

We Never Quite Get “There”

Secondly, no matter what you achieve you and I are programed to go for more. I’ve particularly found this with playing guitar. I originally thought I’d be happy playing basic rhythm guitar. Maybe I was… for a little while. Soon I began thinking how much fun it would be to take a solo. I was happy playing rock'n'roll for years, but then traveled to Spain and saw 12 years olds playing incredible exotic flamenco riffs on the street in Seville. Again I was pushed myself out of my comfort zone by beginning to learn a different style of guitar. There doesn’t seem to be an end to this… and I’m not saying it’s a bad thing. In fact that’s what makes life an exciting adventure. 

So What's The Secret?

I think the closest thing there is to a “key to happiness” is this – live on a day to day, even minute by minute basis, being true to who you are and what’s important to you. The well-known motivational author Earl Nightingale put it this way, “We are at our very best, and we are happiest, when we are fully engaged in work we enjoy on the journey toward the goal we’ve established for ourselves. It gives meaning to our time off and comfort to our sleep.”

The first couple of things that pop up in my mind is “but I have to make a living” and “there’s not enough time”. Does something like that come up for you? Of course no one can do and be everything. But really, when I search a little deeper and listen to that small, still voice inside me I know that’s not really what’s going on. I don’t need to do more than is humanly possible to be true to myself. Actually, when I’ve taken time to explore a little deeper I’ve found it’s looks and smells more like some kind of fear. Could it be fear of trying and failing? Fear I’ll find out I’m not really enough? Fear I’ll find out the truth – I’m flawed and can’t ever be the person I’ve dared to imagine? 

The Simplest Solution Is Best

I’m no psychotherapist, and sometimes trying too hard to figure out my inner workings is just too much for me. But I do believe that oftentimes the simplest solution is the best.  If you find you have a passion, or even a persistent desire to do something (like play guitar :)) why not just go for it. Step by step, little by little, one day at time.

No one but you knows what’s really inside your heart. Only you can decide if you’re spending your precious little time here on earth in the best way for you. Once my mentor Jack Canfield told me that “the universe will not give you a dream that you could not achieve in some way”. Follow along with me for just a minute.

When he told me this I didn’t quite get it because it seems to me that I have all kinds of dreams that I will not and perhaps don’t even intend to achieve.  Then I changed it around a little and asked myself “what if I act as if I can achieve whatever I dream and intend to achieve”? What would happen? The answer I came up with is that I would try a lot more things that I wanted to do. Even if I didn’t achieve what I intended I’d feel more alive. The other thing I realized is that if I acted as if I could be successful the acting would look different. I would try harder, persist longer, and look for solutions instead of reasons why I couldn’t do it.

Here’s an example applied to playing guitar. What do people who play awesome guitar all have in common? You’re right, they PRACTICE. They practice regularly and consistently. I know this seems pretty obvious, but try this on for 2 minutes. Imagine a super cool Genie dressed in the newest fashion appeared in your living room and, with a sly smile, handed you a glowing magic certificate. This certificate guaranteed you will, without any doubt, play beautiful awesome guitar (and you believed it).


Genie2This certificate actually described how your hands would move fluidly from one chord to another. Beautiful music would flow from your guitar.  People would gather around to hear you play. You can see the people tap their feet and sway their bodies to your rhythm. Your fingers would move from note to note, up and down the neck, guided by the music you hear in your mind. And it would all be effortless and joyful. 

All of this will be yours, but there’s just one stipulation: This amazing ability (substitute talent, gift, etc.) is absolutely guaranteed if you apply one simple law of how the human mind and body function. You would perform the movements involved in playing guitar over and over, slowly at first, regularly, consistently and over a period of time. You would keep this up long enough to materialize the promise on the certificate.

A little grumbling is okay. You could even “fall off the horse” occasionally if you want 🙂

But remember, you are guaranteed to play awesome guitar. How many times would you fall off the horse if you knew it was really waiting for you? It’s just about putting in the number of hours.

This is what I mean by “acting as if”. If I truly believed the thing I wanted is waiting for me, it would be much easier to “make” the time. If I actually did the hours I couldn’t fail.

On one hand I couldn’t help but get better, and the chances of being really good get better by the day. But perhaps more importantly by “doing it” I am living my dream. By playing the guitar I am being a guitar player. And every time I sit down to work on some aspect of playing guitar I am on the Guitar Player journey. No matter what level of the path I’m on, I am living the journey.

Some days will sound better. Some worst. It might even flow some days and I’ll get occasional breakthroughs. There will always be something else to learn. That’s the Guitar Player journey. In fact that’s actually the ride I signed up for. It’s process that matters. It’s the difference between sitting on the sidelines and being in the game.

So How Does Playing Guitar Help You Rule Your World?

If you are reading this it’s likely that one of your dreams is to play guitar, at least competently if not awesomely (I’m not sure that’s a word). When you get both feet in the game in one area it affects your entire life. Little by little you gain patience, focus, concentration and confidence. Once you see some success it becomes a model for more success. You will realize you are not flawed… you are created just the way you are supposed to be. The struggle is just a part of the adventure. It’s not a message to stop because you’re not talented, it’s any opportunity to dig deep and really live your life.

There will be ups and downs, but slowly you’ll find a little more spring in your step. You’ll notice a small spark when you wake in the morning. Some day you’ll remember you almost nailed the song you’re working on and feel joy. And one day, when you look down and realize you’re strumming your guitar smoothly and easily, without you having to think about it, you’ll begin to ponder “what else would I like to experience in my life that I’ve been afraid to try?”. Then you’ll know that you can rule your world.

[box] “Don’t worry about failures, worry about the chances you miss when you don’t even try.” — Jack Canfield[/box]






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  1. If you wanted to really make this information useful you might try NOT printing it in light grey text on a white background SO PEOPLE COULD ACTUALLY READ IT.

    1. Hi Tim,

      This is such a very helpful tip. Thank you for expressing your concern.


      Starland Guitar
      Customer Support

    2. Hi Thomas,
      Very inspirational piece. I put my guitar away 40yrs ago to pursue my career and to support my wife and children. Now that I’m retired I’ve decided to dust off the old “axe” and play again.You can probably imagination my frustration in finding out that my fingers were not as nimble as they were “back in the day”. I was ready to chalk it up to old age and concede defeat when I discovered your web site. You have reminded me that most goals in life are attainable by applying due diligence and persistence. No goal can be reached without an earnest attempt. All that you’ll be left is to wonder “What If”. John Greenleaf Whittier said it best when he penned “Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these ‘It might have been.” May God bless you for the great work you are doing.

      My Best Wishes,

      1. Hello Jerry,

        What can I say but thank you so much for everything you’ve said. Tomas Michaud himself can’t thank you enough for all of this. How fortunate your family is for having such a loving, generous and caring father. You leave your passion just to give your full support to them, that’s truly amazing because not all the fathers out there can do the same.

        Tomas is glad to know that you’ve decided to get back to playing guitar again and it wont be that hard to reach that goal when you have the discipline, diligence, persistence. Go for it, Jerry because playing guitar has so much to offer. It’s a stress reliever, you can communicate your emotions, a physical workout and when you’re able to play guitar the way that you’d wanna be, a sense of achievement is indescribable.

        May you have a great and fun time on your guitar journey, Jerry. We would love to hear your progress.


        Starland Guitar
        Customer Support

    1. Hello Harry,

      Tomas Michaud would like to let you know how much he appreciated your inspiring words.

      Thank you.

      Starland Guitar
      Customer Support

  2. Hi Tomas,

    Thank you. This is brilliant advice. Specially if you have waited until 59 years of age.
    “Step by step, little by little, one day at time.” Learning to play the guitar can be so overwhelming that it paralyzes you.
    I will not quit.
    Warm regards. Leon

    1. Hi there Leon,

      Telling how long you’ve waited will definitely inspire people who dreamed of playing guitar to start now. You even encourages people your age to also consider playing guitar. Age doesn’t matter at all. What matters most here is your interest, determination, discipline, persistence. There will always be roadblocks in playing guitar but don’t worry though because to help you with that, I would like to share this article that Tomas Michaud wrote >> Overcoming Roadblocks To Playing Awesome Guitar >> https://tomasmichaud.com/overcoming-roadblocks-playing-awesome-guitar-sunday-update-19/.

      I will hold on to what you’ve said “I will not quit”.

      Thank you.

      Starland Guitar
      Customer Support

  3. You know, Tomas Michaud, I REALLY LIKE YOU! You always say something spiritual and inspiring when you write. I think you have many other talents as well as playing great guitar! I really needed this newsletter today, and it will help in other parts of my life as well as my guitar playing. I’m so glad I found you online. You have become a friend as well as a teacher. My favorite sentence was, “By playing the guitar, I am being a guitar player.” I look forward to your posts. Keep on writing AND playing. The picture of you (I’m presuming here) on the fence by the ocean with your guitar is a real keeper! More inspiration . . . and beautiful. I’m going to see if I can make it my wallpaper. Peace and love . . . Namaste.

    Katherine Hageland

    1. Hello Katherine,

      Your kind words are so overwhelming. There’s actually a lot of you who find Tomas Michaud kind and nice.
      How can he thank all of you for such a nice and wonderful comment :).

      Thank you for finding him (Tomas Michaud) online and for looking forward to his post.

      Take care.

      Starland Guitar
      Customer Support

  4. You are realy inspirational to me, I love playing guitar, but you make my dream in the right way to becomes some time true. Thank you& god bless u,with love.
    Ali albaroudi.

    1. Hi Baroudi,

      Thank you so much for your kind words. Tomas is just so proud to be your inspiration in making your dream come true.


      Hazel Indico-Sarayno
      Starland Guitar Customer Support

  5. I enjoyed reading your story, your words of inspiration Tomas. Keep up your good work. Your music lessons help everyone they touch. Frank Conley

    1. Hello Frank,

      It’s great to hear from you again.
      Thank you for the time you spent reading Tomas Michaud’s story and the thought that you’d enjoyed reading it
      is awesome. You definitely inspire him to keep up his good work.


      Starland Guitar
      Customer Support

  6. Hey Tomas thanks for this timely post….it’s made me pick up my classical guitar again this morning after a bit of a break ….and become the guitar player you talk about. Keep your inspirational words coming my friend…

    1. Hello Graeme,

      ….and your decision of picking up your classical guitar once again is just but so awesome.
      Go for it and enjoy watching more of Tomas Michaud’s lesson in Youtube.
      You can SUBSCRIBE to his YOUTUBE Channel here: http://bit.ly/1jBd9MC

      Good luck.

      Starland Guitar
      Customer Support

  7. Very nicely written and sound advice . I dreamed about playing the guitar for the last 40 years or so and on 3 or 4 occasions gave it a try but each time I gave up after a while due to finding it hard but 3 years ago in my 50s I picked it up again and with a help of a teacher and the internet started practicing but this time I applied the skills that I learned in martial arts to learn to play the guitar . Gaining any skill is a journey that should be fun each step of the way , I still remember the first chord change from a simple E minor to A minor and how in my mind sounded so satisfying and as you gain more competence trying more complex skills equally is enjoyable and satisfying . My wife who was with me on my second visit to my guitar teacher told me : forget it ! you will never learn to play the guitar ,those fingers just don’t want to obey you ! and i told her with a big grin on my face there and then : I am going to prove you wrong and now after 3 years she enjoys listening to me playing and singing for her ,must say the first three months can be quite daunting but even then each step of your guitar journey can be satisfying once you get pass each hurdle one by one and like any other skill you want to master or get good at there is no short cut ,just correct practice and perseverance.

  8. Exactly!! Music is a process….I couldn't agree more, thank you for this article. I've been taking guitar lessons for over two years, and loving every minute!!!

  9. Tim,
    Awesome words.
    Its as if you werereading from my journal!
    Sounds bazaar however I can absolutely relate to the article.
    Rockin the guitar journey!!

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