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Play Spanish Guitar Chords And Melody… Seville


In the summer of 2003, while traveling to Spain, I woke up in my hotel room in the beautiful town of Seville. I woke up trying to remember something from a dream I was having. In my dream I was sitting in front of my CD player listening to one of my songs and really enjoying it.

As I lay there in bed with my eyes open I was trying to remember the name of that song and what CD that it’s on. A good 30 seconds went by and I couldn’t remember. Then it struck me. It wasn’t on any CD. It was a new melody coming to me in my dream.



I immediately jumped out of bed, grab my little recording device that I always travel with and ran into the bathroom. I didn’t try to replicate the song and recorded the best I could. I know from experience not to wait until morning. It will be all over.



I was successful in at least making a rough recording. When I got home I refined in the bid in my studio and then, several months later, recorded for my newest CD at the time titled New World Flamenco Jazz. I gave it a deserving title… Seville.

In this video I play the entire song for you and capture on camera both of my hands playing the chords and the melody. Of course you go watch the video and just enjoyed listening to the song. If you’re up for a challenge go ahead and try to play the song.




The first and easiest level of playing would be the chords. Most of the chords to the song of fairly easy to finger. If there’s a difficult part it would be the rhythm if you’re not accustomed to the Spanish rumba flamenco rhythm. I know I wasn’t back in the day when I played only pop rock music.It is a common rhythm if you want to play Spanish guitar and I recommend learning it.



The next and more difficult level of playing would be to try to play all or part of the melody. Even though it would be difficult for beginner to play I do encourage students to at least try. Just the act of attempting to playing melodies like this helps train your ear and your fingers. Of course you need to account for your own level of frustration as well. The key is to do it if you can and don’t worry about it.



If you want to play Spanish guitar I have a couple of courses that you might enjoy. The first is a basic course with the video lessons and the workbook… IT’S ONLY $7. Here’s the link:



The next one is a more complete course style of music and Spanish fingerpicking. It does start from the very beginning but gets pretty complex. I’ve also included and expanded lesson on Seville including the chord chart and workbook in the Premium version of the course. Here’s a link for that one: Rumba Flamenco Spanish Guitar

You’ll find videos and each of the links that’ll show you what to expect in the course and what kinds of songs I’ll be teaching.



You can also find my CD New World Flamenco Jazz on iTunes, Amazon and at a discounted price at this link below:


Want to learn Spanish Guitar 14-Days FREE!? Check out the link below!

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  1. Hi tomas Michaud,

    All your music is magnificent, superb and of the highest quality.
    Your teaching skills are the best in the world. The teaching methods are epic and genius.
    Keep doing the good work. You deserve the highest appreciation in the world of teaching and the world of music.

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