Hi, I'm Tomas...

I grew up in a family that didn’t show any musical interest. I don’t remember my parents ever listening to music. Since childhood, I have wanted to be a scientist. As a boy, I spent hours in my makeshift chemistry laboratory I’d set up for myself in the basement.

It started with a daydream

That's why it was no slight surprise at 14 when I asked my mom for a mandolin for Christmas. I had a daydream while in class at school, where I was playing a small guitar-like instrument in the forest. The feeling made me happy. 

I chose the mandolin because I liked the mandolin part in Rod Stewart’s song Maggie May (remember that?). It was also the only small guitar-like instrument I knew.

To my mom’s credit, she realized it wasn't just a passing whim. A mandolin appeared under the tree with my name on it. I played that mandolin to death. That is the death of the mandolin. I broke it at the neck.  At about the same time, I realized what I really wanted to play guitar. I bought my own inexpensive guitar with earnings from my paper route. I learned a few open chords, some bar chords, and licks from popular songs. This went on for years. I could play bits and pieces of songs but never really got anywhere. 

When I finally decided to stop fooling around and really learn to play guitar, I figured the best approach was to find a guitarist who played the music I loved and take lessons. Easy, right? Well, after a few attempts, I realized it wasn’t that simple. 

Not that simple...

I found plenty of great guitarists, but good players don’t always make great teachers. Sure, I learned bits and pieces of songs, maybe a catchy riff here and there, but I couldn’t play anything substantial. Worse, I had no idea how to improve.

After several more tries, I ended up enrolling at the university, where I was lucky enough to study with a well-respected guitar instructor. The catch? I had to play classical guitar—not exactly my style. But, as it turns out, that was a blessing in disguise.

Not only did I pick up some sorely needed techniques, but I also learned the importance of following a system. I discovered how to break down complex music into smaller, manageable steps. It was like a lightbulb moment—one that shaped the way I’d approach learning (and teaching) from then on.

Fast forward to after college, I opened my own music school, eager to share what I’d learned. I developed my own guitar teaching system and trained other instructors. But after years of effort, I had to face the hard truth—it wasn’t working. Most of the teachers were happy dazzling students with their own skills or just teaching whatever songs the students requested. They didn’t see the need for structured teaching techniques or systems.

How do adults learn?

Meanwhile, I was becoming more and more fascinated by how adults learn guitar—because, let’s face it, I wanted to figure out how to learn new things more efficiently myself. I got hooked on finding the most effective ways for adults to progress on the guitar without all the frustration and confusion.

Instead of giving up, I turned to the internet. Over the course of six years (and three revisions), I created Real Guitar Success, a membership site that brings together the best learning techniques for adult beginners.

Now, through Real Guitar Success, I help guitar students from all over the world experience the joy of playing guitar—without the confusion and dead ends that I once struggled with.

What this means for you...

To share what I’ve learned over my 40+ year music journey, I’ve created hundreds of lesson videos, play-along sessions, and downloadable sheet music. These resources are all available in one membership site called Real Guitar Success, where I continually add new lessons every month. My goal is to help you bypass many of the stumbling blocks I encountered, making your guitar journey smoother and more enjoyable.

Through these lessons, I pass on everything I’ve learned—not just about guitar techniques, but about overcoming self-imposed limitations and developing the ultimate skill: becoming a better learner.

I know you can do this. Step by step, I’ll help you grow in confidence and play the guitar the way you’ve always wanted—and deserved. I’ll provide you with the tools, guidance, and encouragement to create a musical life that empowers and uplifts not just you, but your family as well.

Join me on this journey. I’ll be both your guide and a fellow traveler, because honestly—I’m still learning every day, too.

The first step is desire. The second is a decision. Join me and we'll take it a step at a time.


Tomas The Recording Artist

Besides teaching and developing educational programs, I am the author of 7 CDs of my original contemporary instrumental music. You can find me on most everywhere online, including Amazon, iTunes, Pandora and Spotify.

Founder of the Starland School of Music

Starland currently has 632 students aging from age 4 to 84 and is in the SF Bay Area.