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Mysterious Spanish Guitar Scale | Gypsy Flamenco Scale

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Flamenco Jam Track 

Key: E-F

Tempo: 100

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  1. I have a couple of your courses including the Flamennco one. I still come back to your other lessons to keep current with my shifting focues.

    It may be surpless but it just today that I figured out out to actually download the jamming track. It maybe as a senior I may not be as savy as the kids. I now know how to do this but you could post a video showing just how to download the jam tracks.


    1. Hi,

      The jam track that was in this lesson was removed by Soundcloud! I apologize for the delay. I’ve gone ahead and replaced it with a new jam track that will work perfect for this lesson. Have fun and thank you for your patience. 🙂

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