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Easy Guitar Songs To Learn 3 – La Bamba


Hey back for more. This is Five Guitar Songs to Learn for Beginning Guitar and I’m Tomas Michaud, you knew that. This is “La Bamba” and what I like about it is it’s only three chords, but it’s going to give you some practice changing chords quickly. There’s also a cool lick I’ll show you at the end of this video, so keep watching.

Here we are, three chords, the G chord, C chord, and the D chord. You can make the G chord with three fingers, but if you can’t do it with your pinky, it’s easier to change to the C and to the D. Try that with me. Just one strum each for now.  Now you can add a little bit of a strum. I’m going to use my fingers. You can use a pick, too. I’ll throw in a pick. The same strum.  Down down up, down down up, down down up, down up, down up, down up, down. I’ll show you that cool lick now. Are you ready? Listen. You might want to skip the whole song and just learn the lick. It’s starting on the G note on the sixth string. That’s the third fret. Boom. Goes on to the fifth string open. Second finger second fret, and skips on to the fourth string, that’s the second fret and then open. Then back to the fifth string , second fret, third fret, second fret, open. Start over.

I’d go straight down with your pick or your thumb, but when you’re more advanced, you can go faster sometimes going down and up. That’s it for this video. Thanks for joining me. I’ll look forward to seeing you in video number four. See you later. Bye.


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