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Easy Blues Guitar Licks You’ll Love: Intro Lick [3/3]

Learn One of the Most Popular Easy Blues Guitar Licks


What could be more fun for a guitar player than learning a new quick and easy blues guitar lick to add to your repertoire?

This a classic and one of easy blues guitar licks that is easy to love.

It's a fairly standard guitar lick that is very recognizable. It can be played on either electric or acoustic guitar. And it's very versatile…

I use blues guitar licks like this one as an intro when starting a 12 bar blues in E, and it also makes a great turnaround lick between the phrases in place of the final B7 chord (I show that in the video).

Go ahead and watch the video and take this Easy Blues Guitar Licks lesson a step at a time.

Practice each section of this blues guitar riff slowly at first, then put it all together.

Get Additional Easy Blues Guitar Licks... And Much More


Would you like more help with this? Head over to the recording of the RGS Live - Blues Guitar Licks & Techniques for more instruction, several PDF downloads with tabs and notes, and much more. Members click here.

Not a member yet? No problem. Head over to RealGuitarSuccess.com to learn how you can get access to this as well as the best guitar learning tools on the web for less than a $1 a day…



12 Bar Blues in E Guitar Lesson [1/3]

Blues Guitar Lessons: Shuffle Rhythm on Guitar [2/3]

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  1. Thanks Tom many years ago I used to know this lick but lost it and you brought it back to me.Thanks Tom

  2. I’ve seen this lick taught before by another teacher and thought what a cool lick, however his video and lesson was not very clear and too fast! So try as I might I could not quite get it right. But now thanks to Tomas’s clear video, step by step instruction and sensible pace, I am now playing it like a pro, and grinning from ear to ear as I play it lol. Diolch yn fawr Tomos ! Thank you very much

  3. still enjoy your lessons.. still feel badly can`t afford paying for lessons right now.. but do appreciate all your lessons . thanks again

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