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Away In The Manger Fingerstyle Guitar – Easy Arrangement

In this video I play four different versions of "Away In A Manger":

Version One – Simple

First I play a simple arrangement of “Away In The Manger” at the proper tempo. It’s comprised of chords and melody (block chord/melody style). This is so you can get a clear audio image in you head of what you will play.

This is the version that I recommend you learn first, especially if you are not experienced with fingerpicking. It sounds good just as it is. Also, if you want to play the more complex arrangement (last version) it will help. At the core the more complex fingerstyle version of “Away In The Manger” is the same chords and melody with some fingerpicking integrated in.

Version Two – Slow

Now I slow the whole thing down a little bit. This way you can see more clearly each of the fingerings that I'm doing. This section might serve as a good play along as well once you've gone through the song a few times on your own.

I suggest you watch this part a few times with the downloaded sheet that I have available below. That way you can associate the fingerings on the video with the sheet music.

Version Three – Break It Down

Now that you've seen the song a few times I go ahead and break it down. I explain in this version a little about the fingering, which chords I'm playing and give you a few tips.

Version Four – Fingerstyle Guitar

I hope you'll take the time to listen to it. Even if you're not ready to play a more complex version I think you'll find it inspiring and entertaining. 

You can download my arrangement of the more elaborate version below. In this version, I play a combination of the first version with fingerpicking added. It's also a complete arrangement with a middle section.

This is similar to the way I play it on my holiday CD “In The Presence of Angels “.

I'd encourage you to print it out and keep it handy as you watch the video. You'll find I've included both the notes and the tablature to help make it easier to follow.

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  1. Hi Tomas I like the way you teach those fingerpicking guitar playing. I have sung in a choir this song and I’ll do my very best to play it like you did in the 3 version. thanks for the music. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

  2. Nice lesson Tomas! I liked the finger style version the best. I am a member of RGS and you should have this with your Christmas songs.

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